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  • Cat Spends 1,141 Days Waiting for a Forever Home

    Cat Spends 1,141 Days Waiting for a Forever Home

    The majority of animals kept in shelters are expected to only stay temporarily—as a pit stop on route to a permanent home. But that voyage took far longer for one unique cat named Whiskers than anyone could have predicted. A remarkable 1,141 days passed while Whiskers waited for someone to provide him with the caring […] More

  • The Joy of Little Ones: Their Expressive Faces Brighten Our Days

    The Joy of Little Ones: Their Expressive Faces Brighten Our Days

    Children have a magical quality that cuts across age and situation. Little bundles of wonder, they live in a world coloured vividly and where everything is fresh and ready for discovery. Like rays of sunlight, their pure smiles may dissolve tension and replace it with a warmth that permeates your whole being. Their lighthearted antics—a […] More