Finding she was pregnant once more changed Oksana Kobletskaya’s life. Oksana, a mother of a three-year-old daughter, and her husband Sergey were happy about the idea of growing their family. Still, given their financial and lifestyle concerns, they had imagined a more traditional route with just two children.
The doctor’s impassioned response when Oksana was having her ultrasonic suggested something unusual. She was shocked by the news that followed: not only did she have quintuplets, maybe even six infants, not just twins as first imagined. “The shock on the doctor’s face momentarily stopped my heart,” Oksana said. He said something like, “You deserve to get a big house by the sea…’” The doctor’s shock, this discovery, and the following news went like wildfire over the city.

“It felt like a dream, like I would wake up any moment,” Oksana said. The news shook their future plans and demanded a sharp turn of direction. Oksana arrived in the delivery room at the thirty-th week of pregnancy, greeted by eight doctors. She delivered three sons and two girls—all early but healthy—through a caesarean operation. Aleksandra, Dariya, Denis, Vladislav, and David were their names assigned on the exact day they came into the world.
The doctor’s impassioned response when Oksana was having her ultrasonic suggested something unusual. She was shocked by the news that followed: not only did she have quintuplets, maybe even six infants, not just twins as first imagined. “The shock on the doctor’s face momentarily stopped my heart,” Oksana said. He said something like, “You deserve to get a big house by the sea…’” The doctor’s shock, this discovery, and the following news went like wildfire over the city.

“It felt like a dream, like I would wake up any moment,” Oksana said. The news shook their future plans and demanded a sharp turn of direction. Oksana arrived in the delivery room at the thirty-th week of pregnancy, greeted by eight doctors. She delivered three sons and two girls—all early but healthy—through a caesarean operation. Aleksandra, Dariya, Denis, Vladislav, and David were their names given on the exact day they were born.
Documenting the early years of the quintuplets, photographer Julia Guseva was surprised by how the two-month-old infants behaved during the photo session. The pictures faithfully caught their developing relationships as well as the love their parents poured upon them.

Each youngster has a coloured ribbon fastened around their wrist, a useful addition for the parents helping to distinguish them. Oksana, on the other hand, doesn’t require any such help since she painstakingly describes every child’s individual personality on her website.
Comments pouring in on their pictures make it abundantly evident that many people find great emotional resonance in this family’s path. One response, lighthearted, “You asked for a brother or sister and got five times more than that.” With twin strollers, Sergey, the father of the quintuplets, deftly negotiates his new situation while still appreciating the unanticipated gifts life has given them. “The shock on the doctor’s face momentarily stopped my heart,” Oksana said. He said something like, “You deserve to get a big house by the sea…’” The doctor’s surprise, this disclosure, and the news that followed flew over the city like wildfire.

The family has fitly settled into their large new flat, which provides a haven for their growing household; the quintuplets are now five months old. Through their resiliency, love, and the unanticipated beauty life may bestow, Oksana, Sergey, and their expanding brood continue to inspire others as they negotiate this special journey. Congratulation on their new home and their beautiful family!
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